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Orbs of Light

There are the most common, and well-known apparitions. They are small balls of light energy, which are usually white or blue. They are mostly spotted in photographs and in video footage. Most orbs can be discounted as dust floating around or reflections from shiny objects. Or even just glitches in the photo or video. Some of them though are genuine and have been documented since cameras were invented. Orbs are believed to be a human or animal soul, and are built of electrical energy.

Paranormal investigators and psychic mediums all have different theories about the colours and meanings of orbs. For example, a clear, transparent orb may indicate that a spirit is trying to communicate with you. Or it may mean that they are stuck in the area they are seen in. White orbs are thought of as being friendly and protective, and positive in nature. Dark grey, brown and black orbs may represent something negative, and you mash wish to stay clear. Blue orbs are commonly a spirit who is offering to be a guide, and are helpful to psychic mediums. Light grey orbs can mean the spirit is depressed, trapped or confused.

Interactive Ghosts

The most obvious way that ghosts reach out to us is through a form of interaction. Which can happen in many ways depending on the form of ghost. Some examples they may reach us are hearing a whisper in your ear, feeling a touch, smells such as perfume and tobacco, emotions such as sadness or anger. There are many more, of course, some of the more uncommon ways are seeing a visual apparition or seeing objects move. Intelligent and interactive ghosts are the most common. Which are usually human souls, who still have free will and the same traits they had in life. Interactive ghosts are the ghosts we try to communicate with, if you need the tools for this, jump to our ghost communicators.

In the majority of cases, an intelligent ghost is haunting the area for a reason. They may have died in that area, or may have enjoyed being in that area in life. They may be a visiting a person or possession in that area as well. To stop this type of haunting, it’s best to find out what why the ghost is there. Which can be determined by listening to spirit and trying to communicate. You may need to help them achieve what they are currently attempting to achieve to move on. These types of hauntings are also known as interactive ghosts.


Ectoplasm is a strong form of ghost or energy. They are less obvious to spot than a full-body apparition. They can be described as having a mist looking appearance, which can be many colours from grey, black, purple, blue, green and more. This Ectoplasm, or ecto-mist, usually appears and disappears, or floats around. Ectoplasm is a strong force, and is usually accompanied by full-body apparitions. You can tell the different between ectoplasm and any natural gas, as they can flow in the opposite direction of airflow in the area. They usually hover off the ground and move quickly. And have been seen in graveyards, battlefields and historic sites.

Ectoplasm is believed to be something conjured or created by a psychic medium or witch. They are not fully understood, and often have a life of their own. Historically, it’s thought that some psychic mediums could actually expel Ectoplasm from their body. Which has been witnessed by many people in séances over the years.


The meaning of a poltergeist is often misunderstood. Poltergeist originates from a German word which mean “noisy ghost”. This type of ghost is most often used in horror films, such “Poltergeist”, “Paranormal Activity” and “The Changeling”. They are given the name due to the fact they can interact with the environment, and move and throw things. They are mostly negative, and try to harm and scare people. Often by opening and shutting doors, windows, cabinets, turning lights on and off, starting fires and throwing things.

Funnel Ghosts

Funnel ghosts are also known as vortex ghosts, and are fairly common. Believed to be in visitation, and only appear in historic building or private homes in which they once lived. If a family memory or friends visits you inside your home, this would be considered a funnel ghost. This type of ghost isn’t usually seen, it’s usually felt. Normally in the form of cold spots, or getting a warm feeling like you are being cuddled.


We have all heard of Demons, they are very common in horror films and in religion. They are very misunderstood because of how they have been presented on TV and in films. They are powerful, and have more power and ability than any ghost. Not only that, but they can take on any form, they can appear as a child, an object and even animals. They are strong enough to possess and take over the living.

Demons are attracted to anything negative, drug users, places where bad things have happened such as murder, witchcraft, Ouija boards and even people with mental illness such as depression and schizophrenia. They feed off negative energy and take advantage of people with mental illness or who are feeling down or alone.

Cultural Ghosts

The majority of spirits and ghosts included in this article are universal. Separately, many cultures have their own mythology when it comes to hauntings. There are far too many to include them all. In Japan, there are rumoured to be wandering spirits, which are known as “Gaki”, or “Meun-botoke”. These spirits are believed to be able to inhabit the bodies of newly deceased people who died while being extremely jealous or angry.

Possessed Humans

Humans who are possessed by a spirit or demon are often more frightening than a demon. As they are in full control of the human during the possession. Many ghosts and demons who posses the living have negative intentions, and often in cases to humans to harm themselves or others. And even kill in rare instances.

Exorcisms will help in these situations, but only if done correctly by a professional. Attempting to do this in the wrong environment and without the skills is extremely dangerous and can often make things worse.

Shadow People

Many people report spotting Shadow People of the years. They are the usually seen from the corner of your eye, its rare they are seen in full view. They usually lurk in the shadows and stay at a distance, hiding around corners. If you do come face to face with a shadow figure, you will notice they don’t have any features. And their face is usually just a black hole. They are usually quick to flee, and will run through a wall or into the darkness.

Residual Hauntings

Residual hauntings are ghosts or spirits trapped in a loop. They are unaware of what is happening now, and are unable to interact with us. Residual haunted are linked with the stone tape theory, where memories or echoes are trapped in the environment and carry-on replaying. They often happen at set times or dates, usually when the ghost or spirit passed. Residual hauntings can mimic poltergeist hauntings in activity. Activity usually includes feelings (positive or negative), sounds, such as walking or music playing, children’s laughter etc. When activity occurs, it’s usually only for a few seconds at a time.

Animal Ghosts

Animal ghosts are one of the most welcomes types of hauntings. They are generally positive and playful. Animal ghosts are usually seen out of the corner of your eye, like seeing a cat dart into a room. Only to be gone when you follow it. They can be felt on the hands, arms and legs by owners in times of distress. As the pet tries to comfort its owner. Animal ghosts have been known to jump on your bed and settle in the place they liked to sleep. They love to rub against your leg and make their trademark noises.
Furthermore, many people believe that living animals such as cats and dogs can see ghosts. If your fury friend is barking in the corner of a room, your dog might be barking at a ghost.


There are an infinite number of spirits and ghosts roaming the world. All the way from positive to dangerous.

Sam Ashford - Author
Hey, I'm Sam Ashford! I'm a ghost-hunting expert, writer and founder of SpiritShack. My mission is to help people like yourself learn about spirituality and how to hunt ghosts!
